Bare Pallet Magazine
Machine that dispenses vacant pallets from the bunch or welcomes individual bare pallets to place on the pile.
Pallet Stacker/Unstacker
Machine which stacks or unstacks filled pallets.
Pallet Changer
By rotating the pallet load through 180°, sometimes called a pallet inverter this machine removes a pallet load from one pallet so that it can be placed on another usually. These machines are used to exchange offers on or off plastic or metallic pallets or from one type of wood pallet e.g. CHEP on to another type of wooden pallet e.g. throw away.
Covering Mat Inserter/Removal
Connection generally integrated using a palletiser to set padding between tiers of products as the load is actually created to provide safety for the layer above or below. The same machine could be built-in using a depalletiser to get rid of coating pads and restack them as the weight is dismantled.
Leading Sheet Dispenser
Attachment integrated with a pallet stretch-wrapper which places a sheet of thermoplastic film on top of a pallet load before stretch wrapping commences so that the load is completely covered with plastic film.